Heroine  Leah Jenkins, a new member of Willie K. Jennings Court husband, had a heart attack and is in the hospital.  Please pray for a full recovery.

PGP Lester Laris has been moved to Birch Creek Rehab Center, 5601 S. Orchard, Tacoma, WA  98409, for a few weeks.  He has had problems with his equilibrium which led to falls. He is now recuperating.Please visit him if you are able.
His telephone number is 253-306-1446.
His address is: 18308  80th Ave. E
                          Puyallup, WA  98375
Please keep PGP Laris lifted up in prayer 🙏.

Please keep PGM Peggy McClary’s Husband Past Grand Master Gilbert McClary in your prayers.

Please keep Grand Secretary, PGM Millicent Blocquer and her family in prayer.  She received news that her 35 year old nephew (her sister’s son) had been shot and killed here in Seattle.

It is with deep sadness to inform you that, PGM Shirley Brown older sister Betty Ann Brown was called home and is resting peacefully with our Lord and Savior.  
Cards and/or condolences can be sent to;
PGM Shirley Brown and Family
7519 95th Ave. SW
Lakewood, WA 98498
Please keep PGM Brown and her family in prayer during this difficult time.